Pitt’s hottest music scene

Local bar showcases home-grown talent

Nevin Jones | reporter

Former firefighter Bobby Gardullo’s adoration of live music and entertainment has culminated in Pittsburg’s newest popular hangouts, JST Bobby G’s.
“I was brought up with music,” said Gardullo. “I play keyboard, guitar and a little bass. I’ve always had music in my blood. My in-laws own Kutz Music, so everywhere we go there is music.”
Gardullo has bartended for over 30 years and his love of music is something he has made sure to hold onto over the years. Now that he owns his own bar, this lifelong romance still very much alive.
“I always said when I own a bar there are two things it had to have. It had to be a little ‘Cheers’ bar and I had to have live entertainment. Here we have both,” said Gardullo.
JST Bobby G’s has the exact atmosphere that Gardullo always hoped for. Much of this can be attributed to the local talent he brings in to perform.
“We’re pretty blessed here in Pittsburg because we have a lot of local talent who don’t really get the exposure they need,” said Gardullo, describing the talent who frequents the bar.
This love for the venue is shared among the bands that perform at JST Bobby G’s.
“The vibe there is really awesome,” said John Duling, freshman in communication and member of local bands, Conway Jackson and The Shane Duling Band. “The crowd there is cool because he draws in people who are a little more respectful and are there for the music and the company and not there just to get drunk.”
Duling said that he and his bands love having somewhere to play every week and that the exposure is something that helps them in many ways.
“Having someone that for sure wants you to play once a week is nice and we can also use it to experiment because the crowd there is super receptive,” said Duling. “We can try our new songs there and if it’s popular with them we know it works.”
The respectful crowd and friendly atmosphere are something that Gardullo enjoys.
“I wanted to get a place that was pretty cool with the older clientele,” said Gardullo, “but what worked out here that’s so cool is we got the old mixing with the young and it’s working.”
Bobby G’s is establishing a varied customer base that can be seen the moment you enter the door and everyone seems to enjoy it.
“It’s a very chill atmosphere,” said Anthony Pisces Marcano, graduate student in communication. “I never get afraid that a fight is going to break out or anything like that which I’ve seen at other bars.”
All this positive word of mouth has begun to bring in a lot of business for the thriving music bar.
“Each week, it grows a little more by word of mouth and Pittsburg is pretty excited about it,” Gardullo said. “As of right now, our capacity is only 65 so it can get pretty crowded, but we have plans for expanding upstairs because we’re getting so busy.”

Read more here: http://psucollegio.com/2013/02/pitts-hottest-music-scene/
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