49er Fitness: Baby got back

Spring break is just around the corner, which means you are that much closer to showing off your body that you’ve been working on since January 1. If you are still thinking about why your greatest asset hasn’t lifted yet, then doing these five workouts will help you get there that much faster. Tell Phaedra, J.LO and Kim K. to watch out because they have some competition on the way.

1. Stallion Kickback

Start on all fours (hands under shoulders, knees under hips.)


Bend your right leg to a 90 degree angle, lifting off the floor to hip level.


Lower your knee without touching the floor, lift again.

Do 15 reps and switch sides.

Repeat twice.

2. Plie Squats

Stand hip width apart with your feet turning out into a 45 degree angle.


Lower your body down while pushing your tush back as if you are sitting.


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Come up slowly squeezing your glutes in.

Do 15 reps.

Repeat twice.

3. Missionary Lift

Lie flat on your back. Bring your legs to a 90 degree angle keeping your feet on the ground.


Keep your hands by your booty. Beginners, keep underneath.

Lift your tush up until your pelvis reaches hip level of 90 degrees.


Slowly bring your upper body down, making sure you tighten your glutes as you go down.

Repeat 30 times.

4. Invisible Chair

Find a wall in your room and pretend there is a chair on the wall.

Slide down your wall until you are sitting upright with your back and tush completely pressed against your “chair.”


Hold for 30-60 seconds.


5. Sumo Wrestler

Stand hip width apart with your feet pointed straight.

Bring your hands up as if you’re a sumo wrestler.

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Lower your body in a regular squat position, keeping your hands in place.

Slowly rotate your body to the right still in the sumo wrestler position.

Bring your body up, making sure to keep your glutes tight.

Do 15 reps.

Repeat twice.

all photos by Aaron Tran


Read more here: http://nineronline.com/2013/5-tips-to-get-that-stallion-booty/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-tips-to-get-that-stallion-booty
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