Birds on birds on birds

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Feeling guilty about your February failure to take advantage of everything Yale has to offer? Dying to check out the Peabody but also just cannot bring yourself to stop rewatching Freaks and Geeks and put on multiple layers of clothing and leave your room? With this new YouTube gem from the YaleCampus internet video collection, the Peabody Museum comes to you.


Meet Michael Anderson, who is sculpting a series of rare or unusual bird species to complete the Connecticut Bird Hall at the Peabody. Watch him craft incredibly lifelike bird models for two minutes and 40 seconds—the exact length of your attention span—and thank me later. Face it, that’s the closest you were gonna get to actually going on that bird walk thing anyway.

And you can even let this video make you feel better about your unbelievable sloth—instead of using real taxidermy, the Peabody’s using realistic sculptures. Instead of actually going up Science Hill, you can watch it on YouTube. It kind of works, anyway.

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