Health: All Sizes Fit Week aims to combat unrealistic views of beauty

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Running from February 18-22, the University of Oregon Health Center and Peer Health Educators are putting on All Sizes Fit Week — a positive body image awareness campaign celebrating all types of men and women.

According to its mission statement, All Sizes Fit Week is meant “(to) promote body positivity and acceptance in order to prevent eating disorders and body dysmorphia.”

Peer Health Educators created the campaign because of unrealistic views of beauty in today’s society, according to their website, which states: “People with a negative body image have a greater likelihood of developing an eating disorder and are more likely to suffer from feelings of depression, isolation, low self-esteem, and obsessions with weight loss.”

Week-long events will range from a film showing of documentaries “America the Beautiful 2: The Thin Commandments” and “Miss Representation”, a film whichshowcases the media’s ideal image of women that has “led to the under representation of women in positions of power and influence.”
Wednesday will feature two therapists — Cara Freudenberg of Atlanta and Audra Horney from the University of Miami — who will be speaking together in a lecture called “The Cost of Beauty: Body Image and the Media.”

All Sizes Fit Week festivities end on Friday, also called Love Your Genes Day, which encourages participants to wear comfortable jeans and no make-up as a way to love your body the way it is. In addition to this, a walk through campus and a free Zumba dance workout will also occur.

The campaign will feature these free events and more for anyone to take part of; more information can be found on the UO Health Center’s website.

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