Photos: STS9 thrills sellout crowd of 1,250 at the McDonald Theater

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Sound Tribe Sector 9 begins their second set during a three-hour night of music at the McDonald Theatre. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

The “post-rock dance music” band, STS9, shows off their vibrant lights to the sold out crowd at the McDonald Theatre. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

Jessy Buris and her boyfriend Mikey Strauhal take in the first set of STS9’s concert to a sold-out crowd of 1,250 at the McDonald Theatre on Feb. 23, 2013. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

David Murphy of STS9 plays his midi keyboard for a sold-out crowd at the McDonald Theatre. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

Sean Thomas Clark, left, pauses between sets as STS9 takes a break offstage. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

McDonald easily sold out its 1,250-person capacity for the STS9 concert, as the dance floor seemed to sway in a synchronized wave of concert-goers. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

A fan takes a photo on her iPhone as STS9 breaks into a rendition of Daft Punk’s “Robot Rock.” (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

STS9 shows off their stunning light performance to a sold-out crowd at the McDonald Theatre. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

David Murphy, bass guitarist and midi keyboard player of STS9, thanks the crowd for their warm welcoming at the McDonald Theatre. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

Both the lower and upper levels of the McDonald Theatre were packed to capacity, as the fans on the upper level enjoyed the 21-and-over section and its elevated view of the concert. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

University junior Nico Toll dances to a song during STS9’s second set. Toll has seen the band in concert in North Carolina before, and he declared that outdoor venues were the only stage that did justice to the sound of the band. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

Sound Tribe Sector 9, the electronic instrumental band, showed off their complex sounds and lights to the sold out crowd. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

A concert-goer gyrates to the electronic rhythms of STS9. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

Concert-goers are illuminated by the tribal designs projected onto the ceiling of the McDonald Theatre. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

Zach Velmer, drummer of STS9, ecstatically plays as lights reflect off his drum kit. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

David Murphy plays his bass guitar for the packed show and steamy atmosphere at McDonald Theatre Saturday, Feb. 24, 2013. (Mason Trinca/Emerald)

Tichelle Carlson (just right of center) checks in on Hollis Shostrom (left) who has cerebral palsy. Shostrom, a frequent regular at the McDonald Theatre, danced throughout the evening with the support of Carlson, his aide. His favorite bands are a tie between Pretty Lights and Eminem. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)

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