Students to take talents to Late Night

Photo by: Lindsay Hartmann Southern Pride performs at every home football game, most away games and in competitions.

Photo by: Lindsay Hartmann
Southern Pride performs at every home football game, most away games and in competitions.

On March 14, four Georgia Southern University students will travel to New York City to perform with alumnae Elizabeth Cook on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Cook is a country music singer-songwriter and a member of GSU’s graduating class of 1996.

“I talked with Dr. McKenzie last Monday morning and he told me that Elizabeth Cook was going to play on the Late Show if she could get a percussion section from a marching band to perform with her. He asked if I was interested, and of course I was, and things progressed from there,” said Trey Exley, senior exercise science major.

Exley and three other members from Southern Pride will travel to NYC for The Late Night Show’s performance.

Junior Music Education major, Sergio Arreguin, Senior Communication Arts major, Jose Morales, and Junior Nursing major, Jimmy Rotureau, were selected to represent Southern Pride by the band’s director Colin McKenzie.

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