ASUO Senator Ben Bowman doesn’t have a lot of time, but he has a plan

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

A tattered University planner with scribbled writing and stained pages keep him in order. If ever he finds a blank day, or even an empty hour, ASUO Senator Ben Bowman scrambles to plan something.

His inability to have free time comes from his mother, a high school English teacher who teaches college writing and advises the North Marion High School Key Club. Bowman described her as a woman who goes 100 mph, but he’s on his way to move faster.

As a full-time student, ASUO senator, member of the Oregon Association of Student Councils, vice president of College Democrats and an intern for State Representative Val Hoyle, Bowman keeps himself busy — and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I’ve always been busy, ever since I can remember. I don’t like having free time,” Bowman laughed while pulling out his planner. “I have to fill it up, and that’s how I gauge my productivity.”

Bowman’s political career started when he was in first grade and has continued to shape his life.

“I feel most at home when I’m working with legislators, or working in the ASUO office, or dealing with elected officials or public officials to develop good public policy, and I’m lucky that I enjoy it so much because I found my calling so early,” Bowman said.

Bowman feels his purpose in life is to help people, to work with elected and public officials to create good public policy — that’s why he ran for ASUO president.

“I think we absolutely have a positive impact on students’ lives now, and I think that almost everyone I’ve met in student government has come in with good intentions and trying to do good work. But I definitely think that there is some untapped potential for making a larger impact in students’ lives,” Bowman said.

But Bowman doesn’t want to make all the decisions by himself or even as a body. To him, college is about involvement and figuring out what to believe in.

“I think it’s the responsibility of students to be involved in their own government. We are spending students’ money. The ASUO is spending your I-fee dollars,” Bowman said. “(Everyone) should have a voice and a role in deciding how that is spent. And so when you say, ‘Who cares?’ you’re letting someone else make really important decisions who may not have your best interest in mind.”

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