28 Feb Club Themes That Accurately Reflect the February Experience.

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

In just two days’ time, we will have left behind this existential black hole masquerading as a month. On each of February’s 28 bleak and bitter nights, Feb Club throws a party to try to make seniors forget how unequivocally awful this month is (and Feb Club is now spreading with alumni parties around the world!)

But let’s be real: no amount of Beyoncé-themed shindigs can make anyone forget how much February blows.  So why fight it?  Why not embrace the month of despair with Feb Club parties that accurately reflect the February experience at Yale?  Here are some suggestions of themes for the organizers of Feb Club 2014.

1. Cold Party–Turn off the radiator, slowly lose the will to do anything.

2. SAD Lamp Party–It barely helps.

3. Frozen Fingers Party–Like the Cold Party, but you have to send 15 texts a minute while being cold and losing the will to do anything.

4. Midterm Party

5. Darkness Party

6. False Promises of Hope from Asshole Punxsutawney Phil Party

7. So Cold That You Immediately Start Snotting and Tearing Up When You Step Outside Party

8. Inability to Get Out of Bed Party–No one will actually come to this party as a result of the aforementioned inability to get out of bed.

9. So Cold That the Snot and Tears That Immediately Start When You Step Outside Fall Onto Your Phone and Freeze Party

10. Historic Blizzard Party

11. Grimy Brown Snow Party

12. Shoveling Party

13. Watching the Weather at the Oscars and Wishing You’d Gone to UCLA Party

14. Puffy Coat Party

15. Sad Naps Party

16. Endless A Cappella Jams Party

17. Wind Party

18. Wind Chill Party

19. Wind Tunnel Party

20. Wind Blowing Your Umbrella Inside-Out Party

21. Wintry Mix Party–This sadly isn’t a selection of holiday goods sold at Starbucks.

22. Debilitating Addiction to Caffeine Party

23. No More 30 Rock Party

24. Tripping Over Snowbanks Party

25. People Stressing About Society-Taps Party

26. People Stressing About Goldman/Credit Suisse/etc. Interviews Party

27. People Stressing About Midterms Party


Two more days, people.  Stay Strong.

Read more here: http://yaleherald.com/bullblog/28-feb-club-themes-that-accurately-reflect-the-february-experience/
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