Staff list

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Welcome to a new Herald Reviews feature: the staff list. We assume that since you are a human being, you want to know what we are doing all the time—and, in particular, how we are choosing to participate culturally every week. Wonder no longer! We’ll let you know what’s up and what’s down in five easy steps. This week is all about bridging the gap between February (that’s that shit we don’t like) and March (that’s that shit we like).

What we’re listening to: More Adventurous by Rilo Kiley. Remember that other gap you crossed on a bridge called middle school—also known as casual hell on earth? From crushes to kisses, from sports bras to first periods, this was the change in tide we will never forget (because we are simply too scarred), and Jenny Lewis is the lady we will always remember (because we are truly too in love).

What we’re reading: Sticks and Stones by Emily Bazelon, PC ‘93, LAW ‘00. Every midterm season we somehow forget that books can be important and enjoyable at the same time. Yale’s own Bazelon looks at a bullying culture that’s rapidly taking to the Internet; the product of her many years researching and writing on the topic is both beautiful and brave.

What we’re watching: Clueless. That’s gonna be us so soon, you guys. The snow is melting, the days are getting longer, and any minute now we are going to be chilling by some waterfalls in skimpy swimsuits. Even if it’s metaphorical waterfall chilling, people will probably go, “is this a Noxzema commercial or what?” But seriously, we will have way normal springtime lives for college kids.

What we’re looking at: the Joseph Albers prints in the YUAG. These colors! They’re like that pretty girl at your high school who wasn’t loud about being pretty, and so every boy thought she was the most underrated, which by definition makes her no longer underrated. Sometimes you just need something pretty to get you out of a February funk, and the heaven-pointing shapes on these prints are sure to get you on that up and up.


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