Libraries to feature new technology

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

Both the Allen Memorial and Mortensen Libraries have upgraded in their technology.

The Allen library is located on the top floor in the Harry Jack Gray Center, above Wilde Auditorium.

This library is the home to music and dance materials and supports the Hartt School programs.

The Allen Library now houses many new technological devices including 14 iPads, five Panasonic camcorders, five Zeikos tripods, four zoom audio recorders and 4 Audio-Technica USB microphones.

Already installed on the iPads are a number of various Applications both free and paid.

Productivity Apps include Pages, Google Drive, Cloud, and SlideShark. Some of the note taking apps are InkFlow, Evernote, GoodNotes and NoteShelf.

Since the Allen Library is in association with the Hartt School there are a number of musical apps to aid in the student’s learning.

GarageBand, Piano Free, Vocal Exercises and SongBook are just a few of the many apps to help students practice their music.

Other apps include: YouTube, iTunes, Google, WebEx, iMovie, iBooks, Podcasts, Kindle, Dropbox, Skype and many more.

Sam Cook, Public Services Librarian at the Allen Memorial Library, said that in using the apps, “it is valuable for them to see what apps are useful for them.”

He went on to say when using the camcorders, “students can record a lesson and listen back to it to catch things they may have missed and it can be very beneficial…all five were signed out today.”

Though the Allen Library serves primarily the Hartt School all students are welcome to utilize the new technology, and “implement their own learning,” Cook said.

The Allen Memorial Library got most of the new items over winter break. At this time students have access to the utilities, but the library is still working out certain policies.

Students can use the laptops and take them out of the library, but they have to return them the next day. The iPads have both same day and three-day loan period policies depending on the iPad. For special projects the staff would be pleased to make arrangements for the use of the equipment.

The prior use of the laptops and other older technology had a policy of a four hour window in the library, but with the new laptops having allowance to leave, students will no longer have to rush to finish assignments or run out of time.

“Reading scores, composition apps, audio processing, dance, anatomy apps, vocal exercises, pages are all apps that are beneficial to the Hartt students,” Cook said.

There has not been any formal announcement of all of the technological devices that students can use, but word has spread very fast via word of mouth. Students right now are using them most for concerts and lessons.

The funding for the devices was from fundraising and support by the Hartt School as well as Provost Sharon L. Vasquez.

The Mortensen Library also have many new technological devices, of which include: iPads, white boards, scientific calculators, videos and DVDs.

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