PINs to change

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

The protection of students is the main priority of the Self Service Center pin change.  Courtesy of

The protection of students is the main priority of the Self Service Center pin change.
Courtesy of

Beginning on March 4, a stronger password is required to access your information on the Self Service Center, one of the major sections of the University of Hartford website.

Everyone who has an existing Self Service pin at the University, had changed their password after March 3, as after that date is when the new password requirements kicked in for everyone that uses the Self Service Center.

Most of these changes are specific ones, such as the minimum amount of letters and numbers allowed is eight, whereas the maximum amount of letters and numbers allowed is 15.

The new passwords must also contain at least one letter and one number.

The requirement is not just for students either, as professors who access the Self Service Center to post grading information along with miscellaneous items, such as class locations and contact information, must also change their passwords so they can continue to use the Self Service Center.

According to the University of Hartford’s Information Technology Services, there will also be a new section of Self Service, known as the Employee Self Service Center.

This will be for anyone and everyone working for the University of Hartford whose job requires the employees to access various databases that are contained within the Self Service Center at the University of Hartford.

The Employee Self Service Center will not just enable professors to submit grades easier but time sheets for other staff members will be easier for people such as supervisors to view and correct possible errors.

Employees of the University of Hartford will also be able to review information that is related to their taxes and employment benefits.

The length of the passwords combined with the assortment of letters and numbers required for them will strengthen the security of the Self Service Center and minimize the chances of a breach such as hacking, viruses or identity theft.

Special characters such as symbols normally found on a keyboard are also allowed to be used in a new Self Service Center password, along with any combination of upper and lower case letters to promote case sensitivity, which is something that can be a major help in creating a stronger password to be used online.

Despite these changes, the rest of the Self Service Center on the University of Hartford’s website will still remain the same.

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