Friend Request: Accepted to rekindle friendships

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

484973_10151325197023549_2077622946_nHow many of your 600+ Facebook friends do you know, and I mean really know. If you were walking down the street you would actually stop to have a conversation and catch up, or text regularly, talk on the phone, or even hang out?


My assumption is less than half.


This is the same assumption that Connecticut local Ty Morin has realized. So, in order to become both acquainted and reacquainted with his 788 Facebook friends he has decided to photograph every single one of them whilst participating in something that they are passionate about, in a project he is calling, “Friend Request: Accepted.”


There’s more, not only will he be photographing them, but it will be done on an 8×10 camera, developing images in a dark room with chemicals…the whole shebang. This will allow for longer interaction between Morin and his friends.


Morin is backed by many people on funding this project, already having reached his goal of $5,000 dollars, but he is also backed by his sister Sarah Morin who is a Public relations major here at the University of Hartford and is well…my lovely roommate.


She will be promoting Ty’s trailer and future endeavors by sending out press releases, and advertising his endeavors on every imaginable social media outlet.


So why should we care about this hometown UHart alumni with vast aspirations?


Because he is absolutely right.


We are stuck behind computer and phone screens and never take the time to have face-to-face interactions. We form a social façade that protects us from human interactions, and it’s quite frankly, sad.


So join Ty. Make the effort to communicate with the friends that actually mean something to you. You must have accepted them on Facebook for some reason. Rekindle the lost relationships, and stoke the relationships you do have.


Join him on your own journey through your friend list, and draw the inspiration from, “Friend Request: Accepted.”



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