Comedian John Hodgman comes to McDonald Theatre this Friday

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Comedian and author John Hodgman has a message for University of Oregon students: “Study hard. Don’t drink hashish all the time. Go easy on the sexting and take fish oil. It’s good for the skin and coat. Live your dreams. Don’t ever forget that you are mortal. That guy you’re seeing is a jerk. You don’t need to use that much laundry detergent in a load. One third of that is enough. Go out and do great things.”

Hodgman is best known for his role as a correspondent on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and as the PC in the Apple “I’m a Mac/I’m a PC” commercials. He will be performing in Eugene on Friday, March 8.

“How could any Duck resist the allure of being told how to live their lives by a guy with a mustache?” he said of his upcoming performance.

This will be the first time he has visited Eugene, though he claims that 17 of his friends have ex-girlfriends who live here. “Something about the women in Eugene make men pine for them,” he said.

His show, put on by Ravens Flight Creative and Hennepin Studios, will consist of Hodgman sharing stories about his life as “very famous minor television personality.”

He has written three satirical almanacs, “The Areas of My Expertise,” “More Information Than You Require” and “That Is All” — all of which make up Hodgman’s literary series of “Complete World Knowledge.”

When asked what his show will consist of, he said he “will probably talk about sports, like the two sports called ‘football’ and why they’re both dumb.’” He mentioned he may also do his “world-famous Ayn Rand impersonation, though I might not dress like Ayn Rand.”

The show takes place Friday, March 8 at the McDonald Theatre and is open to all ages. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $27-$32 and can be purchased at, at Safeway TicketsWest outlets or at McDonald Theatre. Students can buy two tickets for the price of one if they purchase them the day of the show at the McDonald Theatre ticket office with valid student ID.

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