Same-sex marriage opponents take to Capitol

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By: Jessica Lee


Clergy, state legislators and Minnesotans rallied at the state Capitol Thursday afternoon against a bill that would legalize same-sex marriages in Minnesota.

Minnesota for Marriage, the main group fighting a bill to change state marriage laws, hosted an event where opponents spoke to an enthusiastic crowd about keeping the laws the way they are.

Nearly two dozen state politicians came to show their opposition to the same-sex marriage bill.

“Marriage is just fine the way it is,” said Rep. Peggy Scott, R-Andover.

Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage,  urged Minnesotans to tell their legislators to oppose the bill.

“Fifteen years ago no one would have guessed we’d have to have a rally like this … to protect the union as one man and one woman,” he said.

Last fall, supporters of the marriage amendment ballot question were defeated because of expensive advertising from same-sex marriage proponents, Brown said.

Same-sex marriage opponents are coming back to fight the current bill “stronger than before,” he said.

Jacob Giese said he’s against the bill because the “happiest, healthiest homes to raise kids” are ones with a mother and father.

“Children, you’re the reason we’re” taking a stand, Scott said.

Rally-goers held signs that said “don’t lie to children,” passed out Bible verses and cheered as the speakers advocated against Sen. Scott Dibble’s same-sex marriage bill.

Three teenage girls held a homemade sign that read “The legalization of homosexuality induces children to gay relationships.”

Volunteers also passed out t-shirts that read: “I’m with Adam” and “I’m with Eve.”

The bill, which will get its first look in the House Civil Law committee Tuesday, would repeal the state’s 1997 ban and let same-sex couples wed in Minnesota.

 “They do not yet have the votes,” Brown said.

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