Senator Rob Portman reverses his stance on gay marriage

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Senator Rob Portman of Ohio came out today in support of gay marriage. He’s the first Republican Senator to do so. He credits his change of opinion with the fact that his son, a junior at Yale, is gay. I admire Senator Portman not only for speaking out but also for admitting he was wrong. There is nothing shameful with changing your mind, with adjusting your opinion, with reexamining the facts. You’re not a flip-flopper, you’re not unreliable, you’re a human being and human beings’ opinions evolve. They’re meant to. The issue with Congress is that they don’t realize this. They would rather stay wrong than admit they were wrong. So thank you Senator Portman you showed us today how honorable it can be to exchange a wrong opinion for a right one.

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