Updated: “Weapons” in Barnhart turn out to be airsoft pellet guns

A staff member at Barnhart Residence Hall found what they “were concerned might be a weapon” just after 5 p.m. on Monday, according to University of Oregon Police Department spokesperson Kelly McIver.

“No one is in possession of a weapon that we can confirm,” he said.

Update, 10:47 p.m.: ”The earlier discovery that the “weapons” in question at Barnhart Hall were Airsoft pellet guns,” wrote Kelly McIver in an e-mail to an Emerald reporter.

According to McIver, the weapons were never reported to UOPD or University Housing as being used in a threatening manner.

Even though nobody was threatened, the possession of pellet guns violate the terms that are in the University Housing contract. University Housing and the university’s Office of Student Conduct may take disciplinary actions towards the students who own the pellet guns.

As of now, the names of the students are being withheld.

Update, 5:57 p.m.: A student outside Barnhart said police cars arrived with their sirens on and left within a few minutes.

“Some cop cars came in the parking lot, and then two officers ran in, but then they just walked out and drove off,” a student at the scene said.

The police were leaving as an Emerald reporter arrived.

Four police cars were also seen at Riley Residence Hall — at least three cars were from the Eugene Police Department. “We’re just assisting UOPD,” one officer at the scene said.

No students at Riley or Barnhart were evacuated from their dorms, and most students weren’t even aware that the police were present.

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/2013/03/18/updated-weapons-in-barnhart-turn-out-to-be-airsoft-pellet-guns/
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