Annual Pi Day observed at Colorado State University Pueblo

Originally Posted on CSU-Pueblo Today via UWIRE


Alpha Sigma Alpha booth on Pie Day. Today photo courtesy of M. Talha Qureshi

The annual Pie Day was observed on March 14, at Colorado State University-Pueblo, in regard to the number pi.

The event was organized by the Office of Student Activities to support both student organizations on campus by providing networking opportunities and Relay for Life for serving cancer patients.

“It helped facilitating networking to other organization and brought in new members. The pudding pies for this event relate to our chapter, as it relates to our chapter zeta pie,” Ally Sepulveda, chapter president Alpha Sigma Alpha said.

“This experience was definitely worth for our organization as we are new on campus, and needed to aware people about ourselves,” Lauren Bartoll, president of Golden Key Honor Society, said.

OSA had their table set up at the front, where the office representatives gave away pie fillings, so that students and other visitors can take them and fill them up while visiting booths of different student organizations.

“This event was not only fun but also easy for recruitment for our purple pump event, as we recruited members for the event through purple cup cakes and all cakes were gone by the end of the event,” Elizabeth Woods, lead of programming at Diversity Resource Center, said.

“This is for the catholic youth organization campus and we are here to advertise for Jesus and we are promoting our event for mass coming up this spring break. We introduced people our organization and planted our seeds and resulted in people joining social justice and masses,” Andrew Westhoff, music minister at Catholic Campus Ministry, said.

Illuminate bags in the memory of cancer victims, who had lost their battle against cancer. Today photo courtesy of M. Talha Qureshi

Pie Day also featured illuminate bags in the memory of cancer victims, who had lost their battle against cancer. Today photo courtesy of M. Talha Qureshi

There was also a fund raiser done for Relay for Life by selling illuminate bags to those, who have lost their loved ones in the battle against cancer and the pictures of victims were placed on those bag and their names were announced at 1 p.m., to honor their struggle with cancer.

“I thought it was a good experience and it helped us outreaching to those who helps or are devoted to us, and also allowed us to know new students on campus,” Adam Ward, member of Prizm said.

Throughout the event there students, staff and faculty members and people from the community continued visiting, and their main attraction besides pie fillings was the free photo booth organized by OSA.

“The toppings and pies were a really good way to recruit member for the organization,” Zachary Goldsberry, president CRU said.

The attendance received this year, was considered much bigger than last year’s and the social cause connected to this event made it a much bigger success than expected.

“They had about hundred students coming up and it went way better than last year with a lot more traffic. Besides, partnering with programs on campus helped a lot and the student organizations felt more supported by the university,” Alexis King, a work-study student at OSA said.

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