Glaundor grabs award

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After perfecting their craft for years and working hard the past several months, UH improvisational group Glaundor won first place at the National College Improv Tournament, at Chicago’s Athenaeum Theatre.

“Well half of us freaked out, and I think the other half of us just breathed and unclenched for the first time since we had gotten to nationals,” said acting senior Adam Sowers.

There were four teams who made it to the final round on the last day at the National CIT. When the team didn’t hear its name called for fourth, third or second place, Glaundor teammates said they knew they had won.

During rehearsals, Sowers said he and his teammates build off of one another’s energy, creating what they feel is a truly comical routine.

“I personally think that improv is just the grown-up version of playing on a playground when you’re a kid,” Sowers said.

Like in any discipline, there are rules for improv, but Glaundor doesn’t necessarily play by them.

“When playing by the rules, it then becomes a piece of art that people enjoy watching. Then, you become smart enough to know when breaking those rules is the right choice to your advantage,” said teammate and acting senior Jason Ronje.

Acting seniors Kevin Lusignolo and Colin David were first introduced three years ago in theater class, and they immediately hit it off.

We slowly began bringing in other like-minded teammates who were interested in forming an improv group, David said.

The team first performed in May 2011, after months of practice. Different Houston venues and national tournaments began inviting the group to perform shortly after.

Since winning the national championship, the team members are planning to put on a thank-you show to honor their supporters.

And Glaundor hopes to put Houston on the map as a place of comedy.

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