‘Daily Show’ correspondent speaks at U. Iowa

By Reid Chandler

It was a full house.

For two hours, U. Iowa students and faculty and community members stood in massive lines outside of the Englert Theatre Tuesday night, waiting to hear the quick-witted humor of “Daily Show” correspondent Aasif Mandvi.

For some, Mandvi’s lecture, titled “The Real Story Behind the Fake News,” is all about the comedy. For others, pure curiosity on how Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” fits into the media landscape drew them to the event. And then, there are those who just came because it was free.

Mandvi spoke at the Englert as this year’s Welcome Week lecturer, giving an inside look on how the show is put together.

The night was filled with laughter and shock from the audience as the Middle Eastern correspondent for the television show explained how he pushed the envelope in the reporting world and why he could get away with it.

Mandvi started off the show by coming on stage, greeting the audience, and promptly leaving.

“Thank you for coming,” he shouted as he handed a bouquet of flowers to UI President Sally Mason. “Goodbye now.”

Quick, witty lines like those flowed freely throughout the presentation. Mandvi showed video clips, reminisced being thrown out of a health-care convention, and took questions from crowd members..

After inviting last year’s speaker, Frank Warren, of “Post-Secret” fame, University Lecture Committee head Nathan Gould knew they had large shoes to fill.

“We worked with Mandvi’s agent to book him a lecture here, and it’s really exciting because he’s such a relatable person to college students,” Gould said.

Many students were “Daily Show” regulars.

“I love the ‘Daily Show.’ It’s the only news I watch,” said UI graduate student Kathleen Hession.

Other students enjoyed learning the ins and outs of the popular television show.

“It had the comedy like the ‘Daily Show’ has, plus more information. I feel like I know more about how the ‘Daily Show’ works behind the scenes,” said Melissa Messer, a UI sophomore.

Mandvi auditioned for “The Daily Show” in 2006 and was hired on the spot.

Mandvi has also been in Broadway shows, including Oklahoma, and Hollywood films like The Last Airbender.

With a standing ovation, and Mandvi’s hilarious slogan, “What can brown do for you?” sticking in the memories of the crowd, Welcome Week’s annual lecture appeared to be a success.

Mandvi just wanted fun.

“Classes just started for you guys yesterday, right?” he joked. “It’s about time that you get a break from it all.”

Read more here: http://www.dailyiowan.com/2010/08/25/Metro/18366.html
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