When the livin’ is easy, Keene says it’s time to take the partying outdoors

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

Morgan Markley

Senior Reporter


Dartying: a springtime phenomenon taking over Keene State College, a combination of the words ‘day’ and ‘partying.’

The winters in Keene are long and when the sun finally appears and the temperatures go up, students take advantage of the nice weather by partaking in day drinking.

According to Urban Dictionary, day drinking is, “The act of drinking on a patio between the hours of noon and 6 p.m., preferably on a Saturday or Sunday.”

KSC senior Andrew Morris said, “[He] collectively day drink[s] more because the weather’s nice so it makes [him] want to be outside and hang out with [his] friends.”

The avid dartying supporter continued, “Why not start early so you don’t have to stay up all night?”

Photo Illustration by: Emily Fedorko / Photo Editor

Photo Illustration by: Emily Fedorko / Photo Editor

According to the New York Times reporter Rosie Schaap, “Day drinking is subversive, and springtime—helpmate to idleness and leisure—has a way of making us want to play hooky.”

Morris clarified he doesn’t skip his classes to day drink.

“Everyone usually plans their drinking around class so whether you have a class at six and you want to have a few beers in the afternoon or you just wait until you’re out of class,” he explained.

Keene Police Sergeant Christopher Simonds said he notices the increase of day drinkers when the weather gets warmer.

“With the nicer weather you’re going to see more of the student body out and about. Parties start a little bit earlier. Outside sporting activities and whatnot seem to kick off on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday type scenario so yes it does start to appear earlier and more often the warmer it gets.”

Although Simonds said he hasn’t seen that much day drinking yet this spring, he added that,“The warmer it gets, oftentimes you will see an increase in alcohol consumption; one does go with the other most times.”

Garrett Plifka, Cobblestone Ale House bartender, said that the bar scene sees an increase in students coming in with the nice spring weather.

The bartender explained, “People come after classes. We’re opening up the patio this weekend so more and more people will be here.”

Plifka said that decision to open up the patio came from the weather forecast.

“There’s no snow in the forecast and it’s getting warmer so we said for this weekend, but that’s later than we usually open that’s for sure,” he said. Morris said meeting at the bars during the day is a good option, “It’s nicer outside and they’re a good place to meet up with your friends because it’s easy to walk there.”

Plifka added his thoughts on dartying and said the increase in partiers is due to the weather.

“The weather brings people out,” he said. Morris similarly added the warm weather energizes students.

“You can have more fun because you are more energized from some things like going to the [Zorn Dining Commons] then hanging out with your friends and going to the bar later on,” he said.

The bar scene isn’t the only place that day drinking occurs, however; it’s backyards that tend to be a popular place for day drinkers.

Morris said his favorite place to day drink is his own backyard.

“I can have all my friends over and we don’t have to spend money at the bar and we can all just have a good time together,” he said.

Plifka agreed with the backyard being a good place to day drink, “When it’s sunny out everybody just likes to be in the backyards, a lot of backyard games, which leads to drinking.”

Simonds said that he sees a lot of the drinking occurring at day-time activities, “Not only organized but at people’s houses and apartments and things like that, people get games of frisbee…and whatnot going in their respective backyards. Others come over and join them in those activities it tends to be more common with the nicer weather.” Morris said that for him, the time of the year doesn’t really matter.

“Regardless of the time of year the people that are drinking during the day are probably going to have a smile on their face.” Morris said,“I like day drinking because you’re not forced to go out at night when you can see anybody, like during the day you can see who you’re talking to…you’re actually awake and not completely under the influence.” Plifka echoed Morris and simply said, “Day drinking is the best kind of drinking.”

As the weather warms up and people spend more time outside with friends, there’s whole new type of partying on the scene. And it’s not going to keep you up all night.


Morgan Markley can be contacted at nmmarkley@keene-equinox.com

Read more here: http://keene-equinox.com/2013/04/when-the-livin-is-easy-keene-says-its-time-to-take-the-partying-outdoors/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=when-the-livin-is-easy-keene-says-its-time-to-take-the-partying-outdoors
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