If you’re not graduating there’s still time to leave your mark

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

Four years is a short amount of time, but what is so amazing is how much someone can change in that time. The greatest gift you can receive in this country is a four-year college education. American colleges are designed to foster character development. Not only do you grow intellectually, but you also gain life and social skills that stay with you.

Unfortunately, some of us reach the end of our college career with a better idea of how it should have been spent. I am no exception. I have just about a month left and I thought about the ways I could have made my experience here better–not to say I am unhappy with my time spent, but reflection is always natural.

Nothing is more enriching or satisfying than participating in campus organizations. I was one of the few starting members of the debate club. I have only been a part of the club for two years, and the transformation is awesome. It is great to be a part of something and watch it grow. We went from being a group of kids who talk about issues among ourselves in its first year, to having debates held in the Mabel Brown Room in front of hundreds of people in its second year.

You cannot beat that experience. I am excited to hear about more of the debate club’s  future accomplishments. Every student here should strive to leave his or her mark at this school. Whether it’s participation in student organizations or starting your own. I tried to start the wrestling club, but things sort of fell through, and I regret not having enough persistence. I threw my hands up after what I thought was a bunch of jumping through hoops to accomplish a seemingly simple initiative. Committing yourself to making this campus a little different from when you first arrived will produce rewarding feelings.

This next piece of advice might be met with some resistance, but attending class is something that can go a long way. As people acquire new knowledge, they change. I have changed so much in four years, just like most kids here. But my transformation was no accident. I have had some mind-blowing experiences in some of my classes.

With enough learning, you will begin to adopt new world views that prompt a difference in your attitude and your actions. The new things we learn give us a different lens to view the world through, and because of this we act differently. Skipping class is not only wasting your parents’ money but it is punishing yourself.

It is tough if you get a bad teacher, but that’s why it is important to ask your friends to suggest one they have had before or go to websites that rate teachers. I go to ratemyprofessor.com, not to try and find easy classes, but because nothing is more of a shame then getting a teacher who does not spark an interest in the subject you are studying.

Next, I would have to say study abroad. I have yet to meet someone at Keene who regrets studying away. Unless you plan on traveling for a living, you would be hard pressed to find a job that will allow you to leave for three months and return.

Studying abroad through an institution is the most convenient and cheapest way to travel for long periods of time. The Global Education Office here at Keene State College is one of the most commendable departments. They have added many different locations to study at in a short amount of time, and they are always so eager to help anyone who is even just considering the experience.

Finally, partying is fun; I often partake. But partying can only do so much for you. When you look back on your college career, there may be a few times where a party sticks out, like that awesome birthday party once, or that time you got two kegs for that Pumpkin Festival party, but other than that, most parties you won’t remember. They all blend together at some point.

It will be winning that intramural basketball championship, or that club conference in Chicago, all expenses paid, or having that research project submitted into an academic journal as the things you remember. Just remember that.


Ben Horowitz can be contacted at 



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