ASUO Elections: The Emerald’s endorsement for the executive seat

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

The Emerald endorses Sam Dotters-Katz for the ASUO executive seat.

Dotters-Katz has already served a term as ASUO president. In his time in that position, he provided free copies of The New York Times to students, lobbied LTD to run buses later and institutionalized campus composting. He has already completed a bachelor’s degree here and is now a graduate student at the school of law, which means Dotters-Katz can work in the interests of a group that has typically been underrepresented in student government.

He has proven in both his current campaign and in practice during his turn as ASUO president that he can work across the aisle and provide a bipartisan approach to executive problem solving.

We believe Dotters-Katz can hit the ground running if elected and that his working knowledge of the university’s institutional boards gives him a grounded approach to the issues facing students in the coming year.

Although Lamar Wise has promising ideas and an ambitious agenda — who wouldn’t want to increase the minimum wage on campus? — Dotters-Katz has proposed practical solutions to pertinent issues. Dotters-Katz has also been endorsed by Oregon State Rep. Val Hoyle and received the blessing of ASUO President Laura Hinman and Wise’s former running-mate, Ben Bowman. 

It would benefit ASUO to have a practical leader committed to bipartisan politics and Dotters-Katz can lead that charge.

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