CSU-Pueblo’s Got Talent

Originally Posted on CSU-Pueblo Today via UWIRE

Photo courtesy of http://www.colostate-pueblo.edu/

The talent, held on April 5, showcased 11 acts that ranged from playing musical instruments to hip- hop dancing.Photo courtesy of http://www.colostate-pueblo.edu/

Students of Colorado State University-Pueblo and members from the Pueblo community gathered in Hoag Hall on April 5, as students of CSU-Pueblo showcased their many talents in front of their peers and professors in the CSU-Pueblo’s Got Talent show.

The talent showcased 11 acts that ranged from playing musical instruments to hip- hop dancing.

There were three chances for students to win cash prizes, winning first, second or third place in the talent show.

The panel of judges consisted of Jeanne Stewart, Dennis Moore and Dr. Seong- Jong Joo, who are each faculty and staff members of CSU-Pueblo. The judges sat through each performance and gave feedback to each person after they were finished performing.

The actual host of the talent show was the winner of the previous talent show, Olivia Elley.

Elley introduced and briefly interviewed each act before they put on their performance.

“It was really nice to see students come out and support and encourage each other, there was such a great turn out,” Stewart said.

“I was really impressed by the quality of talent from our students,” Stewart said.

When the show was over and the ranking was finished the judges took a few moments to go over the details of each act and rank the individuals according to who they felt deserved to win.

First place prize was given to Wendell Lee who performed a compilation of spoken word poetry, piano playing and singing, showcasing a few of his many talents. During Lee’s performance, one could glance around the auditorium and see pictures being taken, videos being recorded and many of his peers in tears.

“I dedicated that poem and full presentation to my friend and to my beautiful streets of South Central Los Angeles. I just wanted everyone to see where I came from and how I’m still positive despite my hardship. The glory goes to God and I will never deny his power,” Lee said.

“I still have to grow a lot though, and it feels good to finish on top. I’m truly blessed,” Lee said.

Second place was given to Adrian Hernandez who played the guitar and sang one of his original pieces.

Third place was given to Brentley Shane who performed a cover of country artist Chris Young’s “Getting You Home.”

“I think the judges chose the people I would’ve chosen,” said Alexsiss Days, sophomore sociology major.

“All of the participants did a really good job showcasing their talents,” Days said.

Read more here: http://csupueblotoday.com/news/csu-pueblos-got-talent
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