Overheard around campus

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Girl 1: “Oh, I have to have you listen to this new band I found!”

Girl 2: “What are they called?

Girl 1: “They’re called The Beatles. They must be some sort of new hipster band.”

 —Science Teaching and Student Services building


Girl 1: “American mangos are so gross.”

Girl 2: “What, are African mangos better?”

Girl 1: “Yes! Way better! It tastes like sex in your mouth!”



“I’ve never hated winter as much as I do this spring.”

Outside Akerman Hall


Guy: “Everytime I pass a buffet, I say ‘God bless America.’”



“I was literally walking around campus with two bags full of sexy toys.”

Middlebrook dining hall


Girl: “I’m not as drunk as you think I do!”



“Me seeing my son shouldn’t have anything to do with me getting my weed.”

Outside the St. Paul Student Center


Girl: “He gave me a Ravenclaw shirt with my name on the back. That was so cute.”

Outside Annie’s Parlour


Girl: “I told him I didn’t wanna [expletive], and then he poked me with his penis.”



“I’d suck a man’s dick for a donut right now.”

Middlebrook Hall


“I’ve only been in one fight, and I’m a soccer player … so I threw him to the ground and kicked him.”

Health and wellness class


Professor: “Males, what makes you cry?”

Guy 1: “‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.’”

Guy 2: “When the dog dies in ‘I Am Legend.’”

Guy 3: “‘Toy Story 3.’”

Mechanical Engineering building

Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/overheard/2013/04/16/overheard-around-campus
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