In fees appeals, many stipends remain cut

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By: Cody Nelson

Despite their appeals, many University of Minnesota student groups will still not get Student Services Fees for stipends, according to appeals committee recommendations obtained by the Minnesota Daily.

One of the largest denied appeals was for the student group Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow, which requested student services fees funding to pay for its staff wages.

The Student Services Fees Appeals Committee rejected CFACT's appeal to receive $10,000 for staff wages, saying the fees committee's original decision was justified.

In responding to fees-requesting groups, the appeals committee only evaluates the decision-making process of the student groups and administrative units committees — not the decisions they made.

Students for a Conservative Voice also had its student stipends cut. SCV's staff members make $9.25-13.50 an hour, which the committee said is “extremely high,” and that the student body can’t “bear the burden” of funding such wages, according to the appeals committee's recommendation.

“Student groups are to incentivize their student staff through stipends, not high hourly wages,” the appeals committee said in its recommendation.

La Raza also had a significant appeal rejected.

The appeals committee rejected funding of $6,000 for staff wages and $5,000 for student board member stipends.

The Women's Student Activist Collective saw one of the two accepted appeals.

The appeals committee provided funding for one paid staffer, but said WSAC still didn't justify the need for two paid student interns.

The only other accepted appeal was for CRU, a student group that received no funding recommendations in the fees committee’s final recommendations.

The appeals committee, on the other hand, felt the no-fees recommendation was “unfair and partially based on a material error of fact,” according to its recommendation.

The committee didn't initially realize the group reduced its request by $4,000 to bring down its reserves.

To compensate, the appeals committee recommended the group to receive $7,076 for next year.

The final fees public hearing with Vice Provost for Student Affairs Jerry Rinehart will be held on Thursday, April 25 at 4 p.m. in Coffman Union's Mississippi Room.

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