Health: Exercise is good for sore muscles

The last thing anyone wants to do when they wake up the morning with sore muscles is go work out again. However, exercising a moderately sore muscle is good for it and can have the same effects as rest or massage.

According to a recent study done by researchers at National Research Center for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, “actively warming up the muscles with exercise may be an effective alternative (to massage).” The researchers state that although the reason why massage and exercise aid in muscle recovery is unclear, it may be because they help reduce lactic acids associated with tissue damage and exercise.

Exercise also improves blood circulation and oxygen flow to the muscles, aiding in recovery. According to Livestrong, “exercising helps to loosen tight muscles and tendons which can also help to alleviate feelings of muscle soreness and stiffness.” Therefore, light exercise can be effective in helping your muscles become stronger and less fatigued.

Although exercise is good for moderate soreness, it’s important to recognize if your body is over-exhausted. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, also known as DOMS, affects a variety of gym-goers, even experienced body builders. DOMS is the result of muscle tissue being stressed beyond what it is typically accustomed to due to intense physical activity. It is perfectly normal, but can be more strenuous or lengthy than moderate soreness.

Muscle soreness is common for anyone who works out. Especially when you are beginning a new workout plan, your muscles won’t be accustomed to the work you’re putting them through. The key is to listen to your body.

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