After 10 years of persuasion, the Dalai Lama is set to speak at the UO

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

After 10 years of negotiating and petitioning, the University of Oregon and the Eugene Sakya Center succeed in welcoming the Dalai Lama to the UO campus presenting a lecture entitled “The Path to Peace and Happiness in the Global Society” on May 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the UO’s Matthew Knight Arena.

Ten years ago, Tibetan Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo — teacher and founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery in Himachal Pradesh, India — started a letter writing campaign contacting the Dalai Lama once a month, as well as taking various trips to India suggesting that he visit the state of Oregon. Finally he agreed to come.

In 2002, Mark Unno, associate professor and department head of religious studies, presented the campaign to former UO President Dave Frohnmayer, to bring His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso to the UO.

“The Dalai Lama is one of the most prominent figures in the world, known as a spiritual teacher and leader but also as a great scholar and intellectual whose work focuses on many areas that are strength for the UO,” Mark Unno said. “Coming to the UO is a great honor and the UO wishes to express its deep appreciation for the remarkable cooperative effort between the UO and Sakya center.”

The Dalai Lama has traveled to more than 60 countries as well as written 70 books and is internationally recognized for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet and addressing global environmental concerns.

“I’m excited to see such a noble figure in-person and just to be able to say I saw the Dalai Lama,” said Gwen Cummings, UO undergraduate student. “I think it’s bringing some notoriety to UO and I think it’ll be a positive impact on students because most of what he says is very inspirational.”

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