
Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Wait, is it spring? I keep forgetting because I don’t actually understand what spring means. I’m from LA, so I’m not familiar with the terminology or its implications. So far spring to me is looking out my window, seeing the sun and thinking that means it’s okay to wear a dress, then walking outside in said dress and realizing that 50 degrees is not actually dress attire. (Today did happen to be an exception, as it is absolutely beautiful outside and I did not freeze in said dress.)

Regardless, even if I didn’t know it was spring, my instagram certainly fucking knows it’s spring. It should probably be renamed Springstagram from like April 1-June 1, or whenever “summer” starts. (Again, I’m from LA, so this whole seasons thing is new.)

But let’s get some things straight. The “grass” on old campus is not neon green. It’s basically brown, because it’s mostly dirt, but the small patches are certainly not neon green. So all you babes on that X-Pro II/Toaster/Kelvin/etc. filter grind, get off of it. Because grass is green, not neon green, and I don’t appreciate seeing weird, freakishly colored neon green grass.

Let’s talk architecture. Yale architecture is pretty dope, I get that. But we all walk around here and see it every day, so I don’t actually need to see it on my Instagram feed. And for your followers who don’t go here, they’re literally thinking “COOL, you go to Yale.” And by literally, I mean this comment has actually been made on multiple springstagrams.

Even more specific than architecture. Nothing about Science Hill is appealing. KBT (Kline Biology Tower, duh) is one of the few buildings here that is not beautiful. Also, the grass on that green is even patchier than Old Campus, if that was possible. So even if you think you’re special because you finally made it up Science Hill, don’t Instagram it. It’s not pretty, and it reminds those of us who actually have class up there how depressing it really really is.

But honestly, the strangest springsta phenomenon I’ve noticed are the night time ones. The #nofilter where you can’t actually see anything in the picture. I want to just comment “?” on all of them because I’m genuinely confused as to what I am looking at. Is this the pathway between JE and Branford, or are we right outside Farnham? Literally I have no idea.

I’m not saying stop springstagramming, because I’m genuinely a fan of the entertainment. I guess I’m just in a ranty mood today.


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