Student Government Executive Committee sworn in

On April 29, the Student Government Executive Committee was sworn into office. Junior Jacqueline Sutherland, junior Lydia Sandy, sophomore Javar Jones and junior William Readhead were sworn into the offices of President, Speaker of the House, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Sophomore Reid Nickle was also sworn in as the president’s Chief of Staff. Sutherland appointed Nickle to the position after he served as her Campaign Manager.

Photo courtesy of Wake Forest University

Photo courtesy of Wake Forest University

Despite winning 61 percent of the vote in the election, secretary-elect Ryan Cleland was not sworn into office. Cleland chose to step down and not be sworn in as secretary after controversy erupted, stemming from photos being placed around campus during the campaign.

“Ryan Cleland made the personal decision last Friday afternoon to not assume his elected position as Student Government Secretary,” Sutherland said.

Cleland believed that stepping down was the best course of action.

“As a devoted member of Student Government,” Cleland stated, “I did not want my personal being on the Executive Board to limit the reach and scope of SG in the eyes of any group on campus, whether that be student, administrative, faculty or otherwise, and felt that stepping down was the best and only decision to retain continuity and legitimacy for the organization.”

Cleland also wanted to clarify to the student body that Javar Jones’s campaign had nothing to do with the photos and flyers that were placed around campus and apologizes to the student body for his actions. “I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry that I hurt and offended so many people,” Cleland said. “I’m sorry for causing so much pain and anger.”

Ryan Cleland

Ryan Cleland

Cleland’s campaign manager, sophomore Margaret Mulkerrin declined to comment.

Due to the timing of Cleland’s decision to step down, the runner-up, Javar Jones was sworn into the position. “The position naturally transferred to the Secretary-runner up, Javar Jones,” Sutherland said, “as he was the only candidate who qualified to run for the office during this past spring’s election.”

In the office of secretary, Jones plans to correlate his initiatives to the platform that he campaigned on. His platform includes being an active voice for the student body, increasing the transparency of Student Government and getting more student involvement in SG.

“Ryan’s resignation was surprising to me however, I feel as if the perception of Ryan may be skewed,” Jones said. “We have been in conversation and I plan on working with Ryan. Although the circumstances weren’t ideal, I am happy to be the new Student Government Secretary however, I don’t want people to exclude Ryan or perceive him outside of who he truly is. I’ve gotten to know him more recently and his goal, as much as mine, is to take this situation as a learning experience, as everyone makes mistakes, and move forward to build the Wake Forest we know it can be.”

Javar Jones

Javar Jones

Both Jones and Cleland are passionate about the issue of diversity and inclusion. And both hope to bring the issue to the forefront. “ I am a big proponent for diversity and inclusion, and Ryan also shares this passion, so although the circumstances are what they are, we still plan to foster a personal as well as professional relationship to achieve the same goals,” Jones said. ‘My goal is to execute the office to the best of my ability and work tediously on behalf of the student voice. Hopefully this is what you need.”

Cleland shared Jones’s sentiments and plans to work towards making Wake Forest a more inclusive campus.

“Looking forward, this event has finally brought the topic of diversity and inclusion to the forefront of student discussion and I am hopeful that passion will remain and action will result; and I know that I will be part of it.”

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