Letter: Party hard, party smart

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Hey UO Kids,

I, like you, enjoy a crazy party, wild adventures (aka — drunken walks through the street with friends) and loudly declaring my overwhelming love of the present. We are in our twenties and ready to live life like we are never turning thirty.

I get it, I really do.

As we tromp through these formative years of tequila shots and fuzzy memories, we need to remember one thing: Discretion is freedom. You don’t want the cops coming to your party? Try to not be that house with three dozen cans of Miller Lite on the front lawn. Maybe don’t throw your glass bottles into the alleys and streets where bikers are going to run over them and pop their tires. Did you ever think someone might fall and injure themselves on that pile of glass? Trust me, it’s happened.

When people are pissed off, they complain. When people get hurt, they complain. When the neighborhood is covered in trash, people notice — and then they complain. School is stressful, and it is so incredibly necessary to blow off steam and have a good time.

Do yourselves a favor and clean up. Party hard. Party smart.

Rebecca Emma

Read more here: http://dailyemerald.com/2013/05/21/letter-party-hard-party-smart/
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