Greek: Sigma Mu Omega provides an alternative sorority experience

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

At 25 members strong, Sigma Mu Omega sorority is the smallest at the University of Oregon. But it’s not just Sigma’s size that makes it so unique. It also has an informal recruitment process, which means they do not participate in the uniform recruitment process the rest of Sorority Life does.

Typically, when a potential member decides to rush, they must interview with every sorority before they receive a bid. But Sigma recruits members by holding independent rush events, such as bowling or going to Yogurt Extreme.

“It’s a very bonding-oriented recruitment process, which I think is what a lot of people like about it,” said Rebecca Brandel, president of Sigma Mu Omega. “You actually get to meet people one-on-one.”

The sorority promotes recruitment through its Facebook rush page and setting up a table outside the EMU. The sorority’s small membership does not mean it is more exclusive, though. According to Brandel, Sigma Mu Omega welcomes expansion and new membership.

“Our sorority is so diverse that we think there would be a spot for anyone,” she said. “Our goal is to keep expanding but keep our bond and our sisterhood close regardless of how many people we have.”

Although independent in their rush process, this sorority does not isolate itself from the rest of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Philanthropy events are a regular part of the schedule.

“We try to be as involved as we can,” Brandel said. “We truly enjoy participating in all the philanthropy events in FSL.”

Sigma Mu Omega was founded 10 years ago as a Jewish sorority, although religious affiliation is not a requirement. She said the founders were looking to create an “alternative and unique, laid-back sorority.”

Sigma Mu Omega still does not have a registered sorority house, but it does have an apartment complex where several of the members live. Brandel acknowledged that it would take “a lot more growing to get a larger house.” But there are more important things on its docket – mainly maintaining their unique sisterhood.

“It is a wonderful, unique experience filled with friendship that makes its members better,” she said.

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