So long to Cal Poly senior athletes

(Photo courtesy of Melissa Lundie)

Erin Abzug

Joey Wagman

Business administration senior and right handed pitcher for the Cal Poly baseball team.

After graduating this spring, Cal Poly’s talented pitcher hopes to go on to play professional baseball. The Major League Baseball draft will be held June 6 to June 8. Wagman does not have a preference of a team.

“Whatever team and organization gives me a chance, I’ll be more than happy,” Wagman said.

Baseball is Wagman’s main focus and passion, so he’s going to strive to play professional baseball, but if that were not to happen, Wagman has been in contact with some companies for prospective jobs.

Wagman has gained some beneficial lessons from being part of Cal Poly sports.

“Time management is a big one,” Wagman said, “If you say you’ll do something, you need to get it done.”

Wagman said this challenge of prioritizing responsibilities and getting them done is not only critical on the field, but in academics as well, specifically with group projects.

The importance of teamwork is another lesson baseball has reinforced for Wagman.

“With something as big as baseball with 35 guys, you have to coordinate ideas and be on the same page,” Wagman said.

Wagman will be able to take the skills of time management and teamwork into his future career with baseball and into a future career in business.

Andre Dome

Industrial technology senior and Cal Poly tennis player.

As two-time Big West Player of the Year, Dome will continue his accomplished tennis career after graduating this quarter. Dome is looking forward to seeing what he can achieve on a professional tour. He is still waiting to hear back from the National Collegiate Team, which would provide him with high levels of coaching and with the opportunity to travel to tournaments all over the world.

If the National Collegiate Team is not an option, Dome will travel and partake in tournaments with tennis friends from different colleges.

Cal Poly sports has challenged Dome to push himself and be persistent.

“It has taught me to excel, not only in the athletics, but also the classroom,” Dome said.

If Dome was to eventually use his industrial technology degree, he would focus on packaging engineering.

Being a part of the tennis team has also given Dome time management skills. Dome has been tested in balancing tennis with class, studies and a social life.

“Looking back, it’s been so busy, but without it (all) I would be bored,” Dome said.

Angie Haven

Kinesiology senior and breaststroke and individual medley swimmer for the Cal Poly swim and dive team.

After graduation, Haven will continue swimming, but more for pleasure than anything professional. Later on, Haven may look into joining a masters swim team, which is a group of adults that train together, but it is not as intense as a college swim team.

“Nothing too serious, just for fun,” Haven said.

What Haven is more passionate for after graduation is a paid internship she has been offered by Apple. She will be working in the corporate wellness program to help Apple’s employees use the fitness center, help them plan a fitness program and offer counseling in nutrition.

Cal Poly’s swim and dive team has shown Haven the importance of hard work and dedication. Haven has been pushed to give everything she has into a task.

“You need to work as a team even when things aren’t necessarily going well for you,” Haven said. “You still have to be positive and support teammates and be excited for them when they do well.”

Being a part of such a huge company as Apple, working as a team will be a vital skill for Haven to apply.

Ashley Cascio

Mathematics senior and guard on the Cal Poly women’s basketball team.

Graduating this spring, Cascio will be returning to Cal Poly in the fall in the credential program to pursue teaching mathematics.

“I feel like I relate a lot of things I’ve learned in basketball to teaching,” Cascio said.

Cascio explained that in teaching, you need to have patience and understand how to respond to people who learn at different paces. Similarly, in basketball, teammates work at different paces and it is important to give more encouragement to the girls who need it.

If time allows her, Cascio would like to still be involved with the basketball team next year. Potentially, she will play on a scout team, helping Cal Poly’s team learn the plays of other teams.

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