No DFL endorsement in MPLS mayor race

By: Kia Farhang

After more than 12 hours of speeches and voting, the Minneapolis DFL ended its convention Saturday night without endorsing a candidate for the city’s mayoral race.

Six candidates entered the convention hoping to secure the endorsement — and the access to DFL files and resources that come with it.

Since there was no formal endorsement, all six candidates will continue to run.

At the last count, former Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Andrew had the most votes, with Minneapolis City Council member Betsy Hodges in second.

Hodges’ supporters walked out after the fourth round of voting, so there weren’t enough delegates left at the convention to authorize a nomination.

“We came from nowhere and we stormed the city,” Andrew said in a speech to delegates. His supporters pointed out Andrew’s share of the vote rose steadily in each successive round of balloting.

The convention didn’t use the ranked choice voting method that Minneapolis residents will encounter when they choose a mayor in November.

Candidates at the convention needed 60 percent of the votes to secure the nomination. Andrew came closest with half of the votes in the last official ballot.

Hodges peaked at 47 percent then lost steam. Her candidates walked out shortly after it seemed no one would secure the votes necessary for endorsement.

City Council member Gary Schiff, who was seen as a top contender, withdrew his name earlier in the afternoon and urged his supporters to back Hodges. Critics called it a move to block the endorsement process.

Minneapolis DFL Chair Dan McConnell said he’s seen endorsement processes get blocked before.

The Minneapolis DFL could still endorse a candidate, McConnell said. In situations where the convention proves unfruitful, a central committee consisting of about 130 members can go through the same voting process and pick a candidate on behalf of the larger organization.

“People have tried it,” McConnell said, but he currently has no plans to call the committee.

City Council member Don Samuels, former City Council President Jackie Cherryhomes and Minneapolis teacher Jim Thomas were all cut from the ballot after the first round, when they failed to capture 10 percent of the nearly 1,400 delegates.

For more on the candidates’ platforms and student reactions, pick up Wednesday’s Minnesota Daily. 

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