Khator shares on past semester

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Even in the midst of the first month of the summer, President Renu Khator is still busy preparing the University for the fall semester.

Two of her most anxiously awaited projects — Cougar Village II and Cougar Place — will open in August, bringing UH a total of 8,000 on-campus residents.

“It’s wonderful to have more and more students living here, bringing an even stronger sense of community to campus. Besides the energy and excitement that this brings, students who live on campus perform better academically,” Khator said.

Spring 2013 consisted of numerous achievements that Khator could not simply note one as the biggest accomplishment, such as the groundbreaking construction of the new football stadium, the Board of Regents approval to begin planning four-year fixed tuition rates and naming Astronaut Bonnie Dunbar as the head of the UH Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Center.

The provost search was also weighing down Khator’s plate. She said she was relieved after the process concluded when the University hired Paula Short, who served the semester as interim provost.

“As you know, student success is my top priority here at UH. (Short) is also recognized as an authority on how a University’s culture contributes to academic quality,” Khator said.

“She was very effective serving on an interim basis, especially in reorganizing the Office of Academic Affairs, and I’m confident she will continue to excel.”

President of the Student Government Association Cedric Bandoh has seen on Khator’s Twitter feed that she has been doing some traveling and spending time with her family. Khator said she has visited nearly 40 countries throughout the years and enjoys the sand under her feet with a vast ocean in front of her during her travels.

“Students may find it interesting that I write and publish short stories and poetry in Hindi, my mother tongue. They may also find it interesting that I am learning Spanish by using a free iPhone app,” Khator said.

Khator is more than a president, She describes herself as a Cougar and her impact at the University has not gone unnoticed to Bandoh. 

“I think she has made a tremendous and positive impact on the student body. She has helped us realize the potential our University has and how the success of our students is critical to the long-term growth of UH,” Bandoh said.

“She hopes that her relationship with the students is one of mutual respect and appreciation. She said she is doing her best to provide students with the resources and environment that will support their efforts.

“I thank God everyday for making me a Cougar,” Khator said.

“I love my red and I love to think of life as an opportunity to leap forward, not inch forward. That is what Cougars are known for.”

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