Dr. Date

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Dr. Date,

I recently graduated from the U and developed a romantic relationship with a guy I knew from back home. Now, I am headed to grad school six hours away from the Twin Cities. There has been mutual effort since I left to see each other, and it feels like we have a solid relationship. BUT, we discussed our situation before the move, and he said he “wasn’t looking for a long distance relationship.” That’s fair, and I understand (although I would jump at the chance to be with him), but then does that just make me a booty call he’s going to great lengths, as in six-hour-car-drives-across-two-states great lengths, to keep?

Help a girl out!

—Long Distance Lover


Long Distance Sucker,

Yeah, that’s exactly what that makes you: a high-grade booty call. Worth the six-hour drive but not the commitment. Man, I’ll say that people have done more for less. But you have to wake up and smell the ethanol: Your relationship doesn’t exist at this point. He’s not down. He’s just going on a few road trips because hey, what else was he going to do this weekend? Let him know the jig is up if you don’t like being his cheap weekend getaway.

—Dr. Date


Dr. Date,

I’ve been getting familiar with a U co-ed of mine lately, and recently we started sending a few selfies back and forth. As they went on, they got steamier and steamier, and eventually I sent him one where I am, let’s say, “polar bare.” Stupidly, we weren’t using Snapchat, and now I’m really regretting sending these photos out. I trust the guy, but I’m not crazy about having these photos out there to be possibly shared with his friends? How do I bring this up with him?

—Polar Bare


Down Unda,

Yikes! Luckily we were all raised in a media environment where literally everybody is obsessed with the potential damage from selfies — I mean, didn’t we all see those TV specials and get the subsequent long lectures from the Tyra devotees in our lives? Your special friend will probably be pretty sympathetic to your plight and — if he isn’t total scum — he’ll delete the picture and ask anyone he shared it with to do the same.

—Dr. Date


Dr. Date,

I’ve been hanging out with this girl from class for the past few weeks. We’ve gone on a few dates, and we hang out a few times throughout the week and watch movies. She wants things to get more serious, but I’m not sure if I want to take that step. I don’t go out with any other girls, but I want to get to know her a little better before getting more involved. How do I bring this up to her without making it seem like I’m just in it for the fun time in the bedroom?

—Taking It Slow



The way you get to know her better is by getting more involved. I’m sorry, but at some gosh darn point, you’re going to have to take your hand off your smart phone for a minute so she can grab it; you’re going to have to take a little leap of faith. You don’t have to get effing betrothed, but you can spend more time together and become more serious. It’s not going to kill you. And if it is, then maybe you shouldn’t be with her in the first place.

—Dr. Date


Read more here: http://www.mndaily.com/backtalk/dr-date/2013/07/24/dr-date
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