DuckLife: Trying to hook up in college? Why not go on a real date instead?

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

It’s your freshman year of college. You’re looking forward to the parties, meeting new people and, perhaps meeting that guy or girl you can connect with on a romantic level. But, maybe your idea of meeting someone isn’t while you’re drunk at a party. Maybe the idea of a one-night-stand doesn’t appeal to you. If that’s you, here are some tips to finding more than just a good time your freshman year of college.

Talk to your classmates

See that beautiful girl in the green dress in your philosophy class? Talk to her. As nerve-wracking as it may seem, just DO it. When leaving class, make eye contact with her and find an excuse to ask her something: “Did (insert professor’s name here) say she was going to put the note slides on Blackboard?” Gauge her reaction and then just let the conversation flow from there. Seriously, what have you got to lose?

Go on real dates

Remember those middle school fantasies about going out on a real, “grown-up” date with a crush? The one where he bought you flowers and picked you up? The one where you kiss at the door? Well, let’s make it happen. Rather than exchanging phone numbers and having a party be the first place you interact, go out to dinner. Take that risk. It’s better to live without regrets than with a little rejection.

Take advantage of clubs and activities

Like sports? Try intramural teams. Like the outdoors? Go on hikes organized by the Outdoor Program. The UO offers a wide-range of opportunities to explore new interests and develop the old. Meeting people through shared interests means there’s more chance to meeting potential partners, close friends. Take advantage.

Be vulnerable

Oftentimes, when we first start dating someone, we get caught up in our own head: Does this sound weird? Do I sound desperate? Is it too soon to call? Instead of torturing ourselves with our analyses, what if we just did what felt right? Maybe then we could have more relationships that are authentic and genuine. If he or she doesn’t respond well to our loving attention, then maybe that person isn’t for us anyway.

Take it slow

It’s not to say that if you don’t, it won’t work out, but there is something to be said about taking your time when it comes to being physical with someone. Build an emotional connection with each other before you get in bed. Besides, it’s likely that the experience will be even better because you waited, making for a more passionate encounter.

DuckLife is the Emerald’s magazine for incoming freshmen, made available during IntroDucktion. This story has been reprinted from the magazine in its original form.

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