Students save money on books by shopping around

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

The summer is fast-approaching the point when it is time sell books from summer classes, and start thinking about buying books for fall classes. It’s important to remember, though, that it’s not necessary to be restrained to the prices of the Duck Store when shopping.

When searching for books on the Duck Store website, be sure to compare prices with the options they provide from around the web.

Other book-buying options can be comparable in price to the Duck Store. One of those options is Simply type in the ISBN number of the desired textbook, and will deliver a price for the book both new and used if they carry it.

Senior University of Oregon student Beye Antonsen rents some of her textbooks from to save money. According to her calculations, Antonsen saves roughly 200 dollars per term by shopping for her books on websites such as and On these sites, she is able to buy and rent books used.

“If you’re not paying for your own books, you would probably just go to the Duck Store just because it seems a lot easier because it’s on campus, and it’s like right away you don’t have to wait, but they are way more expensive,” Antonsen said.

One of the books that Antonsen said she saved money on is Atlas of Anatomy by Anne M. Gilroy. Currently at the Duck Store, Gilroy’s book is $54 used and $72 new. On, Atlas of Anatomy is $31.99 to rent for a term. However, the Duck Store has this particular used book for rent at $30.22 a term as of Aug. 19.

Selling books can be done on websites such as and even Facebook. Sophomore student Ben Salaman has successfully sold old textbooks through the UO Class of 2016 Facebook page.

“The Duck Store wouldn’t buy it back,” said Salaman of one of the books he sold on Facebook. “I think I’ve had success because I was able to get three quarters of my money back for a book at my own convenience.”


We added the price to rent a used copy of Atlas of Anatomy by Anne M. Gilroy from the Duck Store. The original story suggested it was cheaper to obtain a used copy from


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