Far from “Normal”: Self expression at SLU

Originally Posted on The University News via UWIRE

Over Fall Break I visited my hometown, the Twin Cities, Bloomington-Normal, Illinois. Good ol’ “Blo-No” is known for a few things. Insurance-giant State Farm is headquartered in B-town (can I get a hot tub?!), and Bloomington is also home to the first-ever Steak ’n Shake (you’re welcome, you midnight-milkshake maniacs). Another part of this area is less populated during the summer months; Illinois State University’s campus is a big chunk of the town of Normal.

In my college search, I avoided ISU and other schools in the area like the plague. I wanted nothing to do with that town and I was ready to leave. I’m glad to say I now realize that the way I felt about central Illinois was just teenage angst. Coming back as an adult, I love my town more and more with each visit.

As a young townie, I romanticized adult life. I expected everything I saw on TV and in movies (Boy Meets World, anyone?) to be what my life would become, especially my life in college. When I came to SLU, I was sorely disappointed. While there are plenty of things I love about SLU, there is nothing but room for improvement when it comes to encouraging freedom of expression and experimentation in this community. I’m not saying there isn’t any talent in this neck of the woods, quite the opposite actually. Unfortunately, artists here seem to be confined to Xavier Hall, isolated from the rest of the bubble. The art is tame and the students are stifled.

Creativity and self-expression is something ISU does pretty well. On this most recent trip home, I was lucky enough to experience a bit of college life at my could-have-been alma mater. Part-secret society, part-open mic night, Theater of Ted is free for anyone wanting to watch and open to anyone wanting to perform. The show took place in a classroom andstarted at midnight. Attracting guitar-wielding singers, stand-up comics, poets and even mimes, it was everything I dreamed college would entail.

Am I the only one wondering where the creativity, expression, experimentation is at SLU? That’s what college is for! This is a call to action, comrades! As the Theater of Ted-folk like to say, dare to suck. Take risks and be weird! We can be mature after we graduate…maybe.

Read more here: http://unewsonline.com/2013/10/25/far-from-normal-self-expression-at-slu/
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