As of July 1, 2015 Measure 91 will go into effect.
On that date, citizens of Oregon that are 21 and older will be able to legally purchase marijuana and posses an ounce of marijuana in public, have eight ounces at home and four plants per household.
University of Oregon graduate Nic Adenau explored the measure and the possibility of legalization in Oregon through video form in his documentary Marijuana in Oregon.
Adenau graduated from the UO in 2013 with a degree in Digital Arts. He decided to create the documentary because the topic was becoming much more serious, and he saw the need to inform the younger voters, between the ages of 18-25 about the measure.
“Oregon is going to set the standard (for legalized marijuana) from here on out,” Adenau said. “Oregon is going to start becoming the poster child”
Adenau said he doesn’t think the measure is going to eliminate use from underage youth, but it will increase responsibility and accountability.
“It’s going to put a lot of dealers out of business,” Adenau said.
The turn out of youth voters made a difference in the passing of the measure according to Adenau.
“There is no other explanation other than the youth,” Adenau said.
Adenau said that polls showed a close rate because the youth voters aged 18-25, tend to come out to the polls at the last minute.
“I don’t think (the youth) coming out late is lazy,” Adenau said. “I think they just take time to think it through.”
While working on the documentary, Adenau came in contact with the Drug Policy Alliance and made some positive Measure 91 advertisements geared at the youth age group.
“The youth can call bull shit really fast,” Adenau said. “The goal was to create a video campaign that call out all the strategies you hate, while also being funny.”
The videos center around “shirtless Ryan.” A spokesperson who urges the audience to vote for the measure.
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