Technology hindering students in the classroom

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

It’s bad enough that our jobs and lives depend on technology. Why must our schools and institutions depend on it as well?

I have had one class in my four semesters that hasn’t required me to do any work that required a computer. All of my classes have required reading online materials and completing homework or in-class assignments online.With our world being technologically advanced, I think the current issue is that most schools require students to have a laptop in order to complete online tasks. Yes, there is a library that provides the campus with computers and printers, but if a majority of students couldn’t afford a laptop, how might this affect the school and the way they decide to educate the students?

According to, having technology in the classroom is a significant cost for any school. “Though ‘bring your own device’ policies may relieve the school of some of these costs, the policies shift to students and their families, who may not be able to afford the hardware and software.” I understand that our world depends on technology in order to do research while also using it as a way to advertise and communicate with certain audiences. How is it fair that students who may already be awaiting debt after college have to spend extra money on technology just to take classes that are only a semester long?

Matt Zupanni / Equinox Staff

Matt Zupanni / Equinox Staff

It’s one thing to need access to the internet or a computer to complete assignments, but what about when those assignments are not uploaded correctly on Canvas or Blackboard?

In one of my classes, an assignment was uploaded to Canvas, but it wasn’t until the next day that professor realized the document on Canvas wasn’t working properly. Some students were able to access the assignment and others weren’t, one of those students being myself. The group of students that I was in had fewer days to complete it than the other half of the class.

It’s unfortunate that I can’t be given a hard copy of an assignment. It would make the students and professors worry less about whether their document was uploaded or not. I like hands-on learning and I think it is the most effective type of learning there is.

I’m not one hundred percent against the use of technology in the classroom; I think many students can use it to their advantage in a positive way. Having the internet allows for students to take online classes. But class time can sometimes become wasted because of technical troubles. There have been countless times where lessons in class have been prolonged or postponed because the sound on the computer doesn’t work or the wifi is slow.

However, technology in general can act as an aid. If I don’t want to confront someone in person, the iPhone allows me to hide and send a text instead. Anyone can take a walk through campus, a store or anywhere seeing faces tilted down, looking at a screen.

It’s almost rare to be able to have a conversation without either person checking their phones or getting distracted. My dad always tells me and my sister that our phones are our lifelines. I always laugh and make the same comment to him whenever he uses his phone. It is so true. I barely go anywhere without my phone and I know all of my friends are the same way.

I’m sure I am guilty of being distracted during a conversation by my phone, but I try to make it a point to put my phone away so the speaker knows that I intend to give them my undivided attention. I think most people are guilty of overusing at least one form of technology. It’s important to understand when it is acceptable to use it and when it’s just plain rude.

I don’t think schools should get rid of or stop using technology because I know that would never happen, but don’t let the great world of technology become a negative distraction. We all have one shot at life — don’t let it be from behind a screen.

Heather O’Brien can be contacted at

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