Live Blog Issue 4

Originally Posted on Whitman Pioneer via UWIRE

Production Night 2015, Reborn Edition

4:41 pm: Editor-In-Chief Sarah Cornett and I realize that the Pio editors used to live blog during production night. For all our readers out there, we agreed to make this a “thing” again. Prepare for lame humor (on my part at least, our back page this year is stupendous), bad headline ideas, and constant updates on the status of the next issue. First up: a photo to set the scene.


4:45 pm: The snacks have not arrived yet. Sarah looks hungry.

4:55 pm: Publisher Marra Clay has entered the building. Repeat. Publisher Marra Clay has entered the building. After quickly pulling out her computer, Marra proclaimed to the room, “I have something exciting to talk about.” A long silence followed. I’ll be sure to keep you all updated.

5:12 pm: Wow, snacks are here! They are a fantastic mix of vegetables, skittles, and goldfish. Shout out to our wonderful A&E editor, Martina.

6:38 pm: Back from dinner and the Pioneer office is nearly empty! As the sun sets to the west of Walla Walla, section editors and production associates disperse to eat dinner and refuel for the grueling night of work ahead.

7:10 pm: Now the office is filling up. The copy editors have arrived and each section is almost finished.

7:32: This time marks the “semifinal” part of the evening. The skittles bag is half-empty, one of the news editors, Lane Barton, recently arrived to finish editing the news section. We’re a little behind last week, but Sarah estimates 11:30 as an end time could happen.

7:49: Andrew, who works for the Pio Radio Hour Show, just discovered this blog and immediately forced me to pass him skittles. He and Marra are brainstorming some very meta radio ideas.

8:21: Lachlan, the other news editor, just got here. Time to get down to business.

8:22: Marra taught me how to put pull quotes on the website. These articles are about to get graphic.

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