Is UHart ‘Feeling the Bern?’ The Media isn’t

Originally Posted on The Hartford Informer via UWIRE

When 74-year-old Bernie Sanders declared his candidacy for the 2016 U.S. Presidential race, the media didn’t shed much light on him.

People say that Sen. Sanders doesn’t get coverage because he isn’t controversial or he’s too old.

Ironically, Sanders has drawn thousands of college students to his campaign rather than the strongly opinionated senior citizens the media expected him to appeal to.

His opinions on student loans and his advocation for the regulation of corporate America has created a cult following of young adults for Sanders, and he means business.

In the month of August alone, the New York Times wrote a combined 117 articles on either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, with Sanders being the subject of a mere 14. This is astounding for a candidate that is polling at 28 percent.

In fact, Sanders appeals to younger students more than Clinton or Trump.

At a rally at the University of New Hampshire, Clinton drew 600 students. Two days later at the same university, Sanders drew 3,000 students. Numbers never lie.

It appears that a trend at UNH is becoming consistent at other universities. Pennsylvania State University and the University of Wisconsin are both showing similarities in candidate popularity as well, according to both of their student-run print publications.

At the University of Hartford, support for Sanders has grown drastically compared to other candidates.

In early September, there was a rally for Sanders outside of the Gengras Student Union.

Students and locals around the University have also created multiple Facebook pages in support of Sanders. Pages include “University of Hartford Students for Bernie Sanders” and “Bernie Sanders Connecticut Progressives.”

“He has a proven track record of advocating for civil rights and gay rights even before it was politically popular to do so,” the “University of Hartford Students for Bernie Sanders” Facebook page wrote in a post on Sept. 25. “He is also the only candidate who truly cares about the average American worker and not just about big money campaign donors.”

In a poll conducted amongst over a hundred students at UHart, 67 percent stated that they supported Sanders. Clinton polled at 23 percent while Trump and Ben Carson combined to take a mere 10 percent of the vote.

It appears that the media continues to ignore Sanders while he continues to soar in the polls, going from a mere 6 percent in February, to nearly 30 percent as of Sept. 29 according to The Huffington Post.

His advocates lie in the youth of America, as demonstrated at universities such as the University of New Hampshire, Pennsylvania State University and even the University of Hartford.

It appears that if the average Hartford Hawk gets their way come 2016, Sen. Sanders will be known as the 45 President of the United States and the oldest President in U.S. history.

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