Student Assembly 9/29/2015

Originally Posted on The Equinox via UWIRE

At this week’s student assembly, KSC student government approved a new student organization, discussed Pumpkin Lobotomy and voted in a new member. The Keene State College Alive Poet Society requested to be recognized as a legitimate student organization. Their proposal included forming a team and having slam poetry competitions with other clubs. With no conflict their proposal was accepted.
With fall season upon us, the organization of the Pumpkin Lobotomy tradition was discussed. Student government emphasized the importance of appropriate behavior and using this event as an opportunity to show that Keene State is a positive environment. Pumpkin lobotomy is likely to experience a name change to avoid any possible negative impacts the current name could have. The number of pumpkins that will be used in the event will drop substantially from the usual 1,500-2,000 to 500 pumpkins. The group spoke largely about the need for volunteers for the set up and clean up of the event. Instead of one large pumpkin display, many other smaller pumpkin displays will be set up during the day into the afternoon. There will be no evening events. Unused materials will be donated including the pumpkins, and the remaining remanence will be composted and recycled.
Bridgette Normandin made a proposal to become student government’s new treasurer. After an explanation of her qualifications for the position the committee was immediately impressed. Normandin was voted in as the new student treasurer.

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