Trump’s top choices for VP

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Let’s be honest, Donald Trump all but has this primary in the bag.  Now is the time when he finally gets to choose his little running mate.  Word on the street is that Trump has been secretly taking all of his potential running mates on froyo dates to see if there is any kind of spark between them.  Today the Washington Post gave their guesses as to who would be joining the Don.  We here at the Bullblog found these choices to be far too predictable for a man who has made a career based on unpredictability so we decided to compile our own list.  Here goes:

1.  The guy with frosted tips from One Direction.

-Let’s be honest of all the guys in this fuego boy band, the guy with frosted tips is definitely the biggest winner of them all.  Trump likes winners.  It just makes sense.

2.  John Kasich

-Kasich started his campaign by trying to beat out Jeb! for most boring old guy.  Since Jeb! dropped out, Kasich has set his sights on Trump and the title of most misogynistic old guy.  He may not be able to beat Trump at this game but you know what they say…”if you can’t beat em, join em.”  Trump/Kasich 2016!

3.  James Franco

-It’s only a matter of time until Franco throws his hat into the political ring.  J-Frank is a guy who likes to shake things up which is why he’d probably join the GOP, going against the tradition of Hollywood’s love for democrats.  The only thing keeping this from happening is that DT recently declared that he “loves the poorly educated.”  This could spell trouble for Franco who is currently the most educated man in America.

4. Minions

-Time to get real.  If The Don does end up riding this election all the way to November, he’s not going to do it with some human.  No, Trump is going to forgo the normal human VP choice in favor of a whole bunch ‘a minions.  Good luck Hillary.

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