Cooper Green selected as the Emerald’s 2016-2017 Editor in Chief

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

Emerald Media Group’s board of directors has selected Cooper Green as the Emerald’s 2016-2017 Editor in Chief. He will begin his editorship on June 8.

Green has served as the print managing editor for the Emerald since June 2015, where he oversees the production of the Emerald’s twice-a-week, roughly 5,000-circulation print edition.

Majoring in journalism and advertising and minoring in theater arts, Green began his stint at the Emerald in January 2015 as an opinion writer.

In his tenure as print managing editor, Green has overseen the production of 48 print editions as well as three special magazines to preview upcoming football, basketball and baseball seasons. He has also hired and coordinated training for members of the print production staff.

“I just really love the Emerald. I love the community,” Green said. “I love storytelling. I wanted to play a role that would really help me take that to the next level.”

His enthusiasm was the number one thing that struck the board of directors, EMG Board Chair Ben Schorzman said.

“He conveyed an eagerness to build on what Editors in Chief have done,” Schorzman said.

Green’s three-pronged plan for next year includes coordinating more training for Emerald reporters and editors, reaching out to specific campus groups to seek story ideas and improving communication on staff.

Schorzman praised Green’s plan to offer underrepresented groups a stronger voice on campus.

“We like that he was thinking in the direction of incorporating the more diverse student body that the university has,” Schorzman said.

Raquel Ortega, design editor at the Emerald who has worked closely with Green during print production, said Green’s work ethic has encouraged her to continue improving and work harder as the year has progressed.

“He’s really detail-oriented. He’s always one of the last to leave the newsroom,” Ortega said. “I learned a lot more about myself as a leader. I look up to him even though he’s only a year older than me.”

Ortega also lauded Green’s ability to provide constructive feedback without “overstepping boundaries.”

“It motivated me to keep going at the beginning of the year because he would tell that me my designs are great,” she said.

Until June, Green will continue his print duties while shadowing the Emerald’s current editor, Dahlia Bazzaz.

Though he acknowledged that many experienced editors and content producers will be leaving after this year, Green said he is excited to start building his staff.

“We’ve got people that we know will move on to great things,” he said. “I’m honored, and I’m really, really excited.”

Follow Jack Heffernan on Twitter: @JackTHeffernan

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