Female UO student sexually assaulted near campus

Originally Posted on Emerald Media via UWIRE

A UO Campus Crime Alert sent out at 11:1o a.m. reported that a female University of Oregon student was groped by a passing male scooter rider while she was walking along 13th Avenue at Agate Street.

The incident occurred around 7 p.m. on Monday, May 30.

The man was in a group of about 5-7 others and approached the student while riding a neon scooter, similar to the popular Razor brand scooters. The others in his group were on bikes and skateboards. The report described the offender as either Hispanic or Pacific Islander, with long, slicked-back hair.

Police are still investigating the situation. Contact UOPD at (541) 346-2919 to report further information.

Read more here: http://www.dailyemerald.com/2016/05/31/female-uo-student-sexually-assaulted-near-campus/
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