Where’s Cy? Signs missing around Iowa State campus

By Paige Godden

Students may have a tough time finding their way across Morrill Road without the 5-foot Cys there to direct them.

Two of the colorful signs, meant to help pedestrians navigate the construction on Morrill Road, have been broken and one stolen.

Angie Solberg, facilities, planning and management, worked to create the $750 Cys.

One sign had previously been broken twice, but was replaced with fiberglass covering in hopes that would keep vandals away.

The signs are made out of plywood and metal, and Nancy Surprenant, facilities, planning and management, said she is unsure of how the vandals broke the signs.

She said they may just be hitting them or using vehicles.

Surprenant said that before installing more they will look at ways to make them a little more vandal proof.

Read more here: http://www.iowastatedaily.com/articles/2010/06/03/news/local_news/doc4c073e203acdc991640043.txt
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