Sips Tea: Peep It, Pray On It, Keep It Pushing

Photo courtesy of C. Cassandra

Photo courtesy of C. Cassandra

To anyone who has made it this far in following my blog…you a real one. I feel like all of you deserve some sort of prize but since I spent all of my coins on sweaters in preparation for the fall (which never arrived), ya girl will just send you some “in spirit” type vibes.

I decided to switch it up this week and instead of writing an article the regular degular shmegular kind of way I figured I would give you some of my thoughts at the end of every day to sum up my week. Shout out to you if you picked up on this Cardi B reference; You REALLY a real one!


I had planned on getting ahead on some of my assignments but like usual got distracted by Netflix. Although I didn’t make it around to that presentation for my COMM 400 class, I did enjoy two documentaries: 13th and The Hunting Ground. If you haven’t already seen them, they are a must, especially considering who is going to take office in January. #staywoke


Queue rude awakening at 7:00 AM (and subsequent snooze x3). After sleeping in all weekend, I threw on the first thing I saw and headed to my 8:30 AM class. I left with no makeup, no coffee, and no sleep but somehow managed to power through a lecture about…honestly I forget because I was on autopilot. After tearing up at my to-do list, I banged out two of my assignments for the week and called it a night.


LA Traffic. Work. Excel sheets. Crappy lunch at the office. Excel sheets. Staring at my computer. Contemplating quitting on the spot. Looking at the clock. Losing brain cells. Finally leaving! So happy!! LA TRAFFIC!!! SO ANGRY!!!!


I wake up from a really weird dream about me trying to swim during a tsunami. I quickly realize it is a metaphor for my life at this point. I remember I woke up early so I could try to look cute today…I regret this decision and roll back over in bed…sweatshirt and Nikes it is. At least it’s already halfway through the week. After a long-ass day in class from 8:30 AM to nearly 10:00 PM, I catch up on this week’s episode of Jane the Virgin and This Is Us. Another day, another dolla.


I actually get to sleep in since I told my workplace I am taking care of my mom post-surgery today. Which I am…at 3:00 PM. *evil laugh* I let myself feel bad about ditching my exciting cubicle for the day for a maximum of three seconds. Like the title of this article says: peep it, pray on it, keep it pushing. I pick my mom up at LAX, nearly getting hit by a Hertz van. I’ve always loved when either of my parents come to visit me because it means a free meal, and a real meal at that, as in one that is served in a nice restaurant.


While you’re reading this, I’ll be watching my sister kick ass at the women’s volleyball game. She plays for Oregon so I’ll be rocking that forest green over cardinal red just for today. Also, my boyfriend will be meeting my parents for the first time (no pressure!) So hopefully I can come away with two W’s, one for the sis and one for the man.   

We are just a couple of days away from Thanksgiving Break and let me tell you, I don’t think I’ve ever been so desperada for a break. I will definitely be eating, drinking, and being merry. So whether you are posting up at Parkside for your turkey dinner or heading home for the holidays, enjoy your food coma before it’s back to school for finals!

Samantha Johnson is a senior majoring in communication. Her blog column, Sips Tea, runs every Friday.

The post Sips Tea: Peep It, Pray On It, Keep It Pushing appeared first on Daily Trojan.

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