Wire Watch: Week of March 2nd

Originally Posted on Whitman Wire via UWIRE

Lady Caress: WEB hosts slam poet, singer, beat boxer and story teller Lady Caress! Reid Coffeehouse. 7:00 p.m., Thurs., March 2. Open to all.

“A King Lear:” This adaptation of “King Lear” brings contemporary performance practices alongside Shakespearean language. Alexander Stage, Harper Joy Theatre. Evening shows: 8:00 p.m., Thurs. through Sat., March 2 to 4. Matinees: 2:00 p.m., Sat. and Sun, March 4-5. Free admission for students.

Breaking Ground Monologues: Powerful student performances tackle personal experiences regarding gender, race, identity, sexuality and mental health. Kimball Theatre, Hunter Conservatory. Evening shows: 7:00 p.m., Fri. and Sat., March 3 and 4. Matinees: 2L00 p.m., March 5. Open to all.

Casino Night: Formal attire, games, mocktails and fun prizes abound at Whitman’s Casino Night! Reid Campus Center Ballroom. 9:00 p.m., Fri, March 3. Free admission.

Tim Gonzalez Art Showcase: A showcase and reception for the work of local artist Tim Gonzalez. Plumb Cellars. 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m., Fri, March 3. Free admission.

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