The Herald Volume LXIII, Issue 10

Originally Posted on The Yale Herald via UWIRE

Whaddup kiddos,

Right now we’re in that weird space, about equidistant from both spring break and finals, where the weather is getting tantalizingly warmer yet summer vacation remains agonizingly far off. Some of you might already have your summer plans set in stone, and if that describes you, then I don’t care if you’ll be interning at Goldman Sachs or saving the rainforest in Bolivia: fuck off. Fuck off, on behalf of all us who are still in phone interview limbo, desperately scrambling for backup options with applications that haven’t closed yet.

But as far as cool plans go, it’s tough to beat travel. Being immersed in a new culture, a new language, and a new landscape is one of the most valuable experiences a person can get. So check out our cover story, a poignant, vibrant photo essay on Cuba by Nika Zarazvand, TD ‘20, who traveled there over spring break.

If art’s your thing, get the scoop on the new film Cezanne et Moi from Emma Keyes, PC ’19, or let Fiona Drenttel, TC ’20, fill you in on George Bush’s Portraits of Courage. And speaking of less-than-universally-adored presidents, Peter Rothpletz, SY ’19, takes a look at the intersection between comedy and journalism in the age of Trump.

Whether you’re an artist or a comedian or a politician-to-be, make sure to enjoy the weather a little bit before finals descend upon us with the wrath of a Lovecraftian Old God, mmkay? It was 60 degrees out this afternoon. Others might see it as a bad thing when the temperature’s higher than your calculus grade, but all I see is cause for celebration.

Carpe diem, motherfuckers,

Mariah Kreutter

Reviews Editor

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